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Ideas Beyond Formats


2022/2023 application is closed.

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Ideas Beyond Formats is a paid publishing program geared towards supporting and amplifying the voices of BIPOC+ identifying artists age 21+. Through the program, we aid in developing, publishing, and promoting a significant work by the artist (to be defined by the artist). The program includes a $2,000 honorarium and a $2,000 production budget (plus any additional funding we gather for the cycle), both to be managed by the artist.

Meet the 2022 Ideas Beyond Formats Reviewers

Jimmy Luu 

Photo of Jimmy Luu.

[ ID: A Vietnamese-American man in his early 40s with short black hair, round black glasses, a mustache, and a small gold earring in his left ear. He appears to be smiling, but it might be a slight grimace. He is wearing a button-down shirt with small blue and white stripes, standing in front of a green wall. ]

Jimmy Luu is a designer and educator based in Austin, where he is a tenured Associate Professor of Graphic Design at St. Edward's University, andCo-founder of the collaborative design practice, Group Project. He serves as President of DesignInquiry, a nonprofit educational organization that explores pressing issues in design and culture through intensive team-based gatherings.



Stephanie Graham

Photo of Stephanie Graham.

[ ID: African American Woman gazes off camera with a gentle smile, mild laugh. She is wearing a colorful patterned jacket. ]

Stephanie Graham is an interdisciplinary artist predominantly working in photography, performance, film, and installation.


Angela Zonunpari

Photo of Angela Zonunpari.

[ ID: A photo of a woman of Asian descent, looking and smiling at the camera, wearing a colorful traditional quilt top dress.]

Angela Zonunpari is a South Asian (northeast India) immigrant artist and writer living in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Her interdisciplinary practice includes texts, books, textiles, curation and community-building. It is led by the intention of creating interactions between people; people and ideas; people and art.


Additional Funding:

IPaintMyMind is a Supporter of Ideas Beyond Formats.

Through a generous financial contribution, IPaintMyMind has made possible a 20% increase in the grant amount for the 2022 Ideas Beyond Formats recipient.

The Application 

The application is free and open to any BIPOC+ identifying person age 21+, with a taxable residence in the U.S.A. The application duration is based on first come first serve and capped at 25 participants. Why 25? To not overwhelm our Reviewers and to amplify a circle of exchange and scale that we can stay true to. Applicants submitting a complete application will get a nominal payment of $20 as a gestural thank you for their contribution. Sign up to our mailing list below to receive updates on this and other Sonnenzimmer activities.

The Details

The program will take place over four months. Nadine and Nick will aid in the conceptual development and logistical support of the project, as well as promoting the project through Sonnenzimmer’s available channel. Overall this will depend on the artist’s choice of our involvement, and how they wish to sculpt and structure this. 

Our Channels
  • 2,500+ email subscribers

  • 9,000+ Instagram followers

  • 500+ unique visitors to our website each month

​Funding this Program
  • This program is funded by setting aside 10% of our sales and a percentage from our commissioned projects (please see T>E>A>M, Picas). Why only 10%? This amount will allow us to maintain our current workload and keep the program sustainable.

  • On the labor side, Nick and Nadine will each be contributing 20 hours of advising, and 40–50 hours of administrative work. 


Our 2021 taxable studio income was at $90,000.

Our 2022 taxable studio income was at $20,000. 


We need to raise $7,000 to initiate the new round for 2024/2025. This will cover the artist’s honorarium ($2000), artist's production budget ($2000), three Reviewers ($500 each), 25 honorariums for applicants ($20 each), leaving a buffer ($1000 for taxes, meeting expenses, material exploration, website, transaction fees, rollover). We began setting aside money for the 2024 program in 2023 and so far have raised $3000.00 (as of December 27, 2023). 


Constructive criticism is valued and always welcome. Thank you for caring. 


We will be adapting and tweaking as things unfold and as things need to be amended as we are learning.

100% of your donation supports this initiative.
Contact us if you are interested in underwriting this program for 2024. 
2022  Ideas Beyond Formats

2021  Ideas Beyond Formats

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